Linh Thao Nguyen

Free video conferencing solution during Covid-19 lockdown

To cope with the Covid-19 crisis, LINAGORA launches A video conferencing platform 100% French and 100% free and without ANY of your personal data being collected!

The objective: to face with you this unprecedented crisis and the essential needs of communication, whether personal or professional!

Healthcare professionals, individuals, teachers, parents, children, business leaders, teams… this platform is made for you. You can use it for free and in complete security. After AvecVousLinagora (in France) and WithYouLinagora (in English) we lauched the same service for Russia and Vietnam and soon available for Canada.

The platform is based on the free video conferencing software Jitsi and the load balancer NGINX. is a sovereign service: The hosting of the platform is made in France! The service is operated and put online by LINAGORA, with the help of Jaguar Network.